
Pro D2 – “I don’t regret my choice!”, assures Theo Lachaud, à Colomiers après avoir joué en Nationale

Pro D2 – “I don’t regret my choice!”, assures Theo Lachaud, à Colomiers après avoir joué en Nationale

Former U20 national team player Theo Lasho spoke about his son, who came to Colomie. After the confusion of Aurillac, he did not hesitate to accept the offer of d’Hyères-Carqueyran-La-Croux on the ground floor. Rich experience in many places…

Comment: “Is this a past reprise of the summer bill?”

In fact, a small video and the debut season at the Beziers match. C’était il ya dix jours mais c’était un moyen d’y revenir dessus car on a perdu à la maison (40-44). And the trainers, in place of all the negative aspects, focus on the positive and the fact that they do not know what to do with a good cat’s puppy.

Accelerated evacuation in this match and pass to Grenoble, the championship leader?

Yes, this is their best attack and their best games. D’autant plus à domicile, où ils voudront faire plaisir à leurs support. To respond to this, we can make very serious defenses to combat them. La conquête va être, encore une fois, très majore. On l’a vu contre Béziers: on a pris plusieurs essais sur ballon porté et ça n’a pas pardonné.

Comment vous sendez-vous à Colomiers après vos premiers mois?

Le groupe est jeune et il ya eu Assez Peu de Recrues. Do it very well. On s’est Hyper bien entendu avec tous les joueurs. Plus I go back to players who know what the French youth team is like Pinto, Dulon and Bazin. Mathis Galtier, an Australian, has been in Toulon for a long time.

You have arrived from Hyères-Carqueran-La-Cro. Comment se sont établis les contacts avec Colomiers?

He was in contact with Aurillac. But this is not so, because this is due to the shortcomings of the formation, because this is the source of time… At the end of the season, the finale is that I do not guarantee, plus the Colomiers are waiting in the wings. When Gregory Le Corvec, sales manager in Hyères, proposed a meeting with me, I did not attend for a long time. I had a good season after re-contacting with Colomier.

Vous avez Accepté de downedre d’un étage, ce qui n’est pas le cas de tout le monde…

Là-bas, la plupart du groupe se connaissait car on the region, tout comme moi. This may be true for downstream individuals nationally. Most of all, I don’t regret my choice. I have permission for many temporary games. “National” is “Très bon niveau”. As far as the Pro D2 goes, this could be a game changer. Sinon, devant, les Impacts et la Mêlée, my mother chose this. J’ai pu faire une bonne saison, et complète, car je n’ai pas eu de blessure. Donc j’étais content.

L’expérience dans son ensemble does not know how difficult it is to live?

The sports season is a very good season, which is the best in qualifying. Mais financièrement… Definitely, I paid for the last days, parfois c’était trois semaines. C’était la galère! And for an encore I have no chance of avoiding this press on the machine, but it really is, just like Colomier.