
Riol in the Maak Invoners Moedeloos complex

Riol in the Maak Invoners Moedeloos complex

Rou riool wat uit mangate in Parislaan, Bailiepark borrel and dan from woonkomplekse insyfer, word die dag ‘n groter probleem. Holders of the complex can receive knowledge gained from other people, who can return to the popular word. The situation is so complicated that the house itself speaks a different word.

Nadat die AfriForum-tak in Potchefstroom op 11 November ‘n skrywe aan die munisipaliteit gerig het oor die gevolge wat dit in die gesig staar as daar nie dringend aandag aan die probleem gegee word nie, het die munisipaliteit beloftes gemaak om dadelik in te Spring en the problem is dying, oops you los.

Fani Zoko, municipal representative, in the Herald, AfriForum and in the article about the problems in Donderdag, November 21, in the problem area in Parislan, we talk about problems that need to be solved.

Zoko wants the municipality to come to us and now he bo-op is dying and this is happening, but more than it seems it was that the problem was solved. On November 25, when you start work, we will start with your horses starting to solve problems that you won’t.

Gerrit Oostehuizen, when you visit your complex, you know that it is very important, and when men can strike about it, what is not hanging in its ledge.

“Ek het nou maar self uitgegaan en ‘n slot in die grond gaan grawe in die hoop that did it to die from my erf sal hou.”

Volgens Inwoners moet daar Volgens Wet Elke 30 to 40 meters from mekaar uit ‘n mangat wees, waar daar nou tans net elke 150 meters and mangat.

If you want to work with blocks, this is not the case. Selfs nie eers ‘n hoëdruk spuit maak ‘n verskil nie.

In Alta Pretorius, AfriForum, if you are in the Murivier Street area, there are no problems that may arise. Another thing to talk about on AfriForum is to start a petition for the ball and role you want.

Die munisipaliteit het Dinsdag laatmiddag start om die or riool weg te skraap.

“Die Herald” is about the salvation of Robbie Cooper, the main character and a visitor to Bailiepark, which is very close. If you want municipal authorities or people to be excited about it, now it happens in ‘n diep gat by ‘n stukkende mangat, starting work. In this situation, just like with a car, a green drink can be used and the engine needs to be checked and you can find it elsewhere.

The problem may arise at the municipality or elsewhere.
Many people are worried about the problems that may arise.
Fani Zoko’s Gesels met the winners.
Die rioolgat wat nou gevaar inhou nadat dit geskraap is.

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