
“Sophie Codegoni is unstable, I was admitted to hospital.”

“Sophie Codegoni is unstable, I was admitted to hospital.”

New conversations by Alessandro Basciano in the radiophonic program La Zanzara.

Relationships with each other Alessandro Basciano e Sophie Codegonithe original device represents a romantic night and rifles Grande Fratello VIPif this transformation is in the form of an incubus for entry, then this is contrary to the mutual understanding between the accused, condemn e dichiarazioni pubbliche. I due ex fidanzati hanno portato la loro vicenda al center dell’attenzione mediatica, con ripercussioni Legal, Personali e Professionali.

Alessandro Basciano: “Sophie non l’ho mai toccata con un dito”

Until now, we fall in love with the reality, and the copy continues to remain in relationship with the house, as well as the impression of unity and partnership. Tutvia, on the way to the tempo, when we were first disappointed that it led to the division of always more burrascosa, culminating in the accusation of reciprocity and the complete legal situation. Sophie ha denonciato Alessandro for pursuit and extractionsostetendo di live in peace. Alla Procura di Milano, la modella ha raccontato di aver richevuto minacce di morte da parte dell’ex compagno, as the phrase: “Vengo a casa tua e ti ammazzo.” L’ex gieffina ha anche ricordato episodes of passive tension, as presunto tradimento da parte di Basciano And the charge of refusal was made during a discussion with your manager. Le blame della Codegoni Hanno suffered all the arrests of 35-year-old Geneva, putting pressure on the carcer San Vittore from what was, and stato meagerly about 36 hours for each evidence. Negli last days, it is a continuous work and response due to the ex-fidanzati, in between the media, which tend to draw very much attention to this situation.

BascianoHaving come to his senses, he answered all the accusations, identified the information and gave an answer for his imagination. See a recent radio program La Zanzarail dj ligure ha dichiarato:

“Prima dell’arresto avevo tutti and presupposti per recuperare. Le avevo scritto una lettera. Dopo la galera, no. Ho un’immagine che è andata a rotoli. Le cose che lei ha dichiarato Non sono successe. È una persona instabile. Se you mi denunsi and I was arrested, poi mi chiami and if I don’t take a taxi, then for me this is instability. If I’m in the gallery, I’ll pay the Natal fare, that’s instability for me.”

Il 35enne ha poi sotolineato, like the accusation di Sophie Abbiano Avuto Un Impatto Devastante Sua Carriera:

“Non ho più richieste, quello che are il my calendar, but not c’è più ei locali si trovano in difficoltà per il danno d’immagine che ho subito. How many years ago did this event happen and when I wrote the reports, when they were entered, and I started saving the documents as a screenshot, and this became my salvation.

Categorical denial that you can do anything else Sophie, Alessandro ha rivelato di essere stato vittima di compportamenti aggressivi da parte della ex:

“There is no absolute. Lei era andat in the television program, as well as the story that l’avevo tradita and aveva aggiunto che in an unusual case, in una discussion that was with my manager, lei aveva preso uno schiaffo da me. Io non l’ho mai toccata con un dito Non sono qui a. I’ll tell you that I have fat, and that I am alone, not being my man. I had a fat case, but I got lost in the IQOS test and want it to be delighted. ambulanza, because I am non vado terrible, ma sono, because. what kind of link is this?

Love story Alessandro and Sophieit seems that this was converted into a battle without the exception of the koppie. One part of Sophie if she talks about benefit and psychological abuse; Moreover, Alessandro cerca di difendere la propria reputazione, a serious compromise with the prosecution.