
“Nous avons peu de F-16, most of all it will be déjà fait beaucoup,” assured Vladimir Zelensky.

“Nous avons peu de F-16, most of all it will be déjà fait beaucoup,” assured Vladimir Zelensky.

Two days after the debut in the war in a large school, the dynamic dynamics of the southern West in Kyiv est en perte de vitesse: new assistants participate in the baisse between 2023 and January 2024 for mutual understanding with the period of my life On the previous anniversary, when the last relationship with Kiel the institute were published in February 2024. And this trend will ensure that the US Senate will be a fair voter of assistants, and the European Union (EU) will contribute to all difficulties. fair adopter une aide de 50 billion le 1uh February 2024, a fait accompli of lockdown in Hong Kong. Please note that these two aid packages were not accepted on call at the latest Bilan Institute of Kiel, which will be ready in January 2024.

Les données de l’institut allemand montrent que le nombre de donateurs se reduit et se concentre autour d’un noyau de pays: les Etats-Unis, l’Allemagne, les pays du Nord et de l’est de l’Europe, qui assistance in increasing financial assistance, etc. l’armement de pointe. In total, from February 2022, payments supported by Kyiv will be invested in 276 billion euros as part of a military, financial or humanitarian plan.

In absolute value, les pays les plus riches se sont montrés les plus généreux. Les Etats-Unis are members of the prime ministers giving plus 75 billion euros in aid, not 46.3 billion in aid to the military. Payments from the European Union in connection with the announcement of accession to aid bilateral funds (64.86 billion euros) and aid to communities received from European Union funds (93.25 billion euros), totaling 158.1 billion euros.

To learn more about contributions to the Product Internal Brut (PIB) by parts of paying donors, there has been a change in class. Les Etats-Unis Retrogradent au vingtième rang (0.32% of the PIB rate), bien après des pays voisins de l’Ukraine ou d’anciennes republiques sovietiques amies. L’Estonie prend la tête des rapportées au PIB with 3.55%, suivie du Danemark (2.41%) and de la Norvège (1.72%). The rest of the top five is complete for Lithuania (1.54%) and Lettonia (1.15%). Les trois Etats baltes, qui ont tous des frontières communes avec la Russie or son alliée la Biélorussie, font party donors les plus généreux depuis le début du conflit.

In the PIB class, France is at seven years old and involves 0.07% of the PIB just out of Greece (0.09%). “Relief in Paris” is an ongoing memory of the debut of the Russian invasion of Ukraine – France will come a quarter of a century in April 2023 and will be in 2022.