
Sonia Bruganelli in Belva, Ballando charge: parole

Sonia Bruganelli in Belva, Ballando charge: parole

Sonia Bruganelli in Belva, waiting. Bordate a Ballando con le stelle: “I really want the buzz about tariffs”

Sonia Bruganelli I came to a dead end. Sia in Pista, come at the same time Ballando with a starwhich makes all the TV cameras dello show the coolest moment. L’ex moglie di Bonolis, che stasera si giocherà il ripscaggio nel dance show Milli Carlucci, she infanti una delle protagonist della prossima puntata di Belvein March we ask you Rai2. E came alone, not in the face, but in the face Francesca Fagnani non le ha punished terrible, sfoderando dichiarazioni mai banal and intended for distant discussion. Ecco cosa ha detto.

Sonia Bruganelli in Belva, waiting for an interview (bomb)

Dopo-la-sua elimination of Nella nona puntata di Ballando con le Stelle (ma stasera potrebbe rientrare in a game with maestro Carlo Aloia), Bruganelli ha-lanciato accused Milli Carlucci of lack of control over the dance show. Lo ha fatto nel corso dell’intervista a Belve in onda il December 3 Su Rai 2della quale oggi sono uscite alcune anticipazioni a dir poco ‘infuocate’. L’ex moglie di Bonolis does not have a clear definition of the “costume” of the program, completely linear and like its polemical character, which is constantly strengthened to create noise in the media. “A Ballando con le Stelle cannot help but become my polemical character. Ogni anno ce n’è uno e quest’anno ero io. I send messages very often about the hype around tariffs. The controversy that was most interesting in this world is about Bruganelli, who knows: “Everything that seems interesting to me seems best to me in the real world when I come and see that my coreography lasted 50 seconds and how much time has passed” . another minute and 30 seconds, and he offered a bottle and a long-lasting answer, and this: Sarah, what came of interest to me? Effettivamente are così.”

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Bruganelli in Madonia and former Paolo Bonolis

Parole was all that was said when Sonia Bruganelli, who was later, left the game. The answer is home. Fagnaniche la ha chiesto se tutto quello che la riguardava Ballando fosse stato Costruito d Arte for Creare Show, Sonia ha risposto senza mezzi termini: “Certo, è ovvio. Quello che facevo Errelativo, perché Quello che Interessava Era Creare Hype Intorno Alle polemique che infatti quest’anno Maybe Maybe you function best today when you feel beautiful? Secondly, while waiting for Belve, Sonia Bruganelli spoke about other “caldi” topics related to her private life, for Divorzio da Paolo Bonolis all’amore with Angelo Madonia. The last time, secondly, in Dagospia, mutual understanding successively entered into a crisis with the general participation in Ballando con le stelle, but rumors that at this moment he did not find any direct interest. When you meet Belve, then Sonya will be able to reveal the situation with your company.

Another interest